I’m amazed and blown away by the wonderful love that I’ve been shown for my artwork. It’s all a bit overwhelming, but it’s also been motivating! I’ve been painting!
Also, I’m slowly trying to ease myself back into the world of social media and learning how to post. I feel like an old lady trying to figure out what the kids are up to these days and how can I get in on it. At the same time I’m being reminded of why I didn’t love social media in the first place, so it’s a bit of a double-edged sword. Anyhow, I’m trying!
Upcoming Things – RVH Tree of Lights and Westport Christmas Market
I was invited by the Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation to work with them on their annual Tree of Lights campaign and I’ve just finished creating, what I hope is, an amazing painting for them. I’ll show it off in a later post once I have some better photos of it. I’ve also been invited to participate in Westport’s 2023 Outdoor Christmas Market, taking place on Black Friday, November 24th from 12:00 to 5:00pm; so if you’re looking for something different to do for Black Friday, come take a tour to Westport and visit!
Some Recent Paintings
Here are some sketchy easel shots of some of the painting I’ve been doing recently, I’m including a few progress shots because sometimes they’re fun to see. Once they’ve cured a bit more I’ll take some better images and properly post them to the site.
Field of Flowers – 16″x12″ – Oil on Canvas

A Hazy Day – 12″x12″ – Oil on Canvas

On the Way to Tofino – 16″x20″ – Oil on Canvas

The Loosest Strife – 16″x16″ – Oil on Canvas

The Ugliest Tree – 12″x12″ – Oil on Canvas